Remember * Respect * Revere

    Please note that the information you provide is solely for the purposes of Thanks To Yanks and will not be shared with anyone outside of our organization without your expressed permission.

    Your full name: (required)

    Your full address: (required)

    Your phone number: (required)

    Your email: (required)

    Your date of birth: (required)

    Please identify any specific activity, program you would like to participate in:

    Please identify skills that you are willing to share with Thanks To Yanks events/activities:

    Additional comments (if any):

    I understand that I can accept or refuse to participate in any Thanks To Yanks activity that I am asked to volunteer at. As a volunteer, I understand that I assume any risk of injury associated with the activities that I participate in. I agree to release and hold harmless Thanks To Yanks, and its Board of Directors, from any claims, damages or other liabilities which might result from my voluntary participation. I agree to comply with all the rules and regulations and event instructions for my safety and the safety of all other participants. I understand that photographs or videos may be taken during any event and used in publications, press releases, Thanks To Yanks website and/or Thanks To Yanks social media pages. I understand that my name and identifying information will not be used unless I have provided expressed written consent.

    Your acceptance - enter your full name: (required)

    You will be asked to sign this agreement at your first volunteer event. For those participants under the age of 18 years old, a parent/guardian is required to sign the form.

    All Rights Reserved 2025 Thanks To Yanks